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Well, I got the rona, I’m not gonna play it off like it’s a surprise. It’s here to stay and we’re all gonna get it. Been out and about since the shit went down in March 2020. Finally got version one(ish). I’ll get version two through fifty, or whatever variant it is when I die. I got the vax, the kids are half vax, but we are all positive (except for the weirdo L). It started with D and a close contact then rolled out to all of us. D and M breezed through with nothing. J and the twins, not as good. Who knows if the vax kept me in the “this is just sniffles” category for most of the time. I was doing great, no symptoms but then, NO SMELL AND NO TASTE!!! This is terrible!!!

Next Up

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My turn, we’re all gonna get it. So far so good at least. No real symptoms.

Your test results have returned and you have tested positive for COVID-19. This means you do have the virus known as COVID-19. Symptoms can vary from mild to severe, so it’s important to take steps get well and keep others safe. 

The Roast Beast

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Now that it’s over, the leftovers are dwindling, the turkey pot pie has been made, I’m gonna say it… I do not like oven roasted turkey. I’m gonna take it a step further, hold on to your socks, I don’t even like Thanksgiving food in general. It’s my favorite holiday, as I’ve grown older I still love the everything about the tradition and relaxation, but the food hasn’t kept up with the hype. Probably because the Franklin BBQ smoked turkey breast I make throughout the year is superior in every way.

Let’s now move forward. The prime rib and sides on the horizon are being looked forward to and salivated about already. The roast beast. The NYE shrimp and apps, so good.

I’m over the turkey hump, on to the roast rump.

That Was the Most Expensive Bar Cover Charge Ever

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I finally paid off my student loans! As someone that had zero help along the way I have to say something has to give. Tuition at UW was about $2500 in 96, today it’s almost $11k! College isn’t for everyone, I am probably one of those people, but if you have a goal and want to better yourself to help society, college should be accessible, and accessible to all. Doing the math, I don’t see how someone that was in my situation could even consider college now. I would be in debt until I retire, but I probably couldn’t retire, even paying well over the minimum due like I did. Not everyone makes $50k out of college, or 10 years out. We need social workers and teachers but the cost of becoming one has become outrageous. A college degree has become a middle class necessity too which as much societal mentally as it is reality. With the debt kids coming out of college now have we are bound to see some sort of financial crisis tied to it, and I don’t see any government bailout coming for this one. Anyway, at least it’s done, and it’s a good day for me!