I Give Thanks For This Alternator

This Thanksgiving wasn’t that wild and crazy Thanksgiving weekend that I’m used to. J and I drove up to Falls after work to take part in the biggest bar night of the year. I could really care less how big of a bar night that it is I just like hanging out with all my old cronies. We hit up the Osthelder and the normal crowd was there. The thing is I’m used to seeing the “normal” crowd. Usually on Thanksgiving there are a couple people that you run in to that you haven’t seen in a while. This Thanksgiving that didn’t happen. So we did the “normal” circuit instead. Went to the Other Place and hit up Big Jimmy’s. I did a little karaoke action at the OP and that was probably the highlight of what turned out to be a below average Thanksgiving-eve night.

Thanksgiving we did the normal Thanksgiving thing. We went over by my brother Randy and had dinner. We ate late this year which was a little different than our normal mid-afternoon time. We drank a couple bottles of wine and I played with my nephew. Once the food was ready we dug in and it was delicious, how could it not be. After dinner we laid around and got tired. We headed home and gave in to the tryptophan.

The day after Thanksgiving I had some things that I had to buy. I know the stores are crazy packed but I really didn’t have any other time to do my errands. I headed to TJ Maxx to look for some dress pants. They didn’t have any pants but I did find a great deal on an acoustic guitar. I have wanted one for so long so I finally bought one and am going to learn how to play the axe. If you aren’t on my good side right now you might want to start sucking up because I might just forget you when I’m a rock star in a couple years. We went to a couple other stores but I rushed through them so I could get back to my brothers and start jamming on my guitar. Once we got back to my brothers house my jam session was further delayed by a quick burger from On the House bar down the street. Finally, I was able to start living my dream. I quickly noticed that my dream would take a long time because it was extremely hard to play the guitar without a tuner or a pick. I figured I would get a tuner on eBay but I could buy some picks now. So I hopped in the hoopty and drove to the music store to buy some picks. On my way to the store I noticed instantly there was something wrong with the car. Whenever I stopped at a stoplight the radio would turn off and the lights would dim. I knew I had some power problems but I would not let this sidetrack my rock star dreams. Hoping that I could complete my trip I parked at the music store and got my picks. When I got back to the car the thing was dead as a doornail. I had to call Jocelyn and Billie to come jump me so I could at least get the car back to my brothers. Risking electrocution in the rain I jumped the car and drove back to my brothers. It ended up being the alternator. This situation was mixed. If this would have happened in MKE it would have cost us at least double. On the other hand we had really had enough of ‘boygan and wanted to get back. So we called AutoZone and luckily they had an alternator for us. So we told them to hold it and we would pick it up the next morning. Now that we knew where we stood we continued with our actual plans. J and I were going to take my brother and his wife to Schwarz’s for some steak to pay him back for all the work he has done on J’s cars (oh the irony). Since our car was dead we took their ride. My porterhouse at dinner was delicious as usual, still the best steak in the world. From there my bro dropped us off at the microbrewery in Sheboygan and Jocelyn and I sat there and wasted the night away. We went to a couple other bars after that and then took a cab home.

Saturday we woke up and headed to our most frequented store in Sheboygan, AutoZone. We went there and asked for our alternator and to our surprise the delinquent that was working the phones last night didn’t have the part. It turns out they couldn’t find the part. So we proceeded to call every mechanic in the area to track down the part. We ended up finding one in Fond Du Lac. Once again we got extremely lucky because Billie was shopping in Fond Du Lac and she was able to pick the part up for us. We got the part around five and had it in within an hour. Another thanks to the bro and now we have another reason to go to Schwarz’s for another steak. I got washed up and we headed back to MKE. That night Chappy was having a party to I cruised over there solo because J was shot. I hung out with the boys and grooved until about midnight and then went home. The end to an exhausting weekend.

The End Of An Era.. The Start Of A New One

This weekend was my last wedding of a very long eight wedding season. This wedding was a special finale though because my very own brother was getting married *gasp*. Friday I drove up after work and drove to the church for the rehearsal. This rehearsal was nothing like Jeff’s the week before. This one the priest was a slave driver and the rehearsal took about as long as Jeff’s wedding and rehearsal combined. I managed to power through it and we headed off to a pizza joint for the rehearsal dinner. The pizza was very good and the pumpkin ale was flowing. We ate and then sat around and smoked cigars and had some more pumpkin ale. From there we went to a couple bars to have the final “single man” drinks. I stayed at Rich’s that night and once again braced myself for a long day.

Saturday I was going to sleep in a bit but I was literally drug out of bed by one of the other groomsman and told I had to go to breakfast. I didn’t want breakfast so once he was out of the room I locked the door. Once I was back in bed there was no way that I could get back to sleep so I showered up and started primping for the wedding. Rich got home and we started to get ready when he noticed that one of the groomsmen and took his tux instead of his. I was practically dressed and Rich had the other guy’s pants and shirt on but we had to leave and get dressed at the other guy’s house. So we gathered everything we needed and got in Rich’s Mustang. There was one problem though, the battery was dead. So Rich and I had to jump the car with our tuxes on. We got to the other groomsman’s house and Rich got his jacket and vest and we finished getting ready. For the second week the wedding forecast was rainy and it seemed to pour most when we were outside. From there we headed to the church for pictures. Once again it was nice that we did all the pictures before the wedding. While the pictures were going on we had a couple radios to listen to another victory for the Badgers, go Bucky! After pictures we had the wedding. The wedding was nice. There was a full Catholic ceremony so the wedding was pretty long. I think it’s impossible to have a bad wedding. After the wedding was over it cleared up a bit so we decided to have a couple outdoor pictures in a park in Plymouth. Once we got there we snapped a couple pictures and it started to rain again. I rolled up the Mustang’s windows but in the process I must’ve accidentally locked the doors. The keys were in the car and there was no way to get in so I had to run back to Sheboygan and get the spare set. It took about an hour out of my time with the wedding party but the only thing I really missed was an hour of drinking so it was no big deal. So once I got back to the car in Plymouth I met up with the rest of the wedding party at the O in Falls. From there we headed to Horse & Plow in Kohler for a yard of brew and then headed to the reception for the real fun to begin. Once we got to the reception I did a lot of schmoozing. There were a lot of relatives and friends to talk to and it seemed like I had a second to talk to each. Once dinner started we sat down and did the toast thing. I had one plate of food and then got up and started talking to everyone again. I brought some of my cousin’s baseball cards and he was a good sport and signed them for the kiddies. Once the dancing part started the wedding party had to sit in chairs on the dance floor and two people dressed up as a miniature bride and groom put on a comedy skit that was very funny. Then we danced and I caught the garder. Then my godmother Terri got yelled at because she brought hundreds of jell-o shots into the dance hall. Then I decided to go martini for martini with my gin loving uncle Tommy. The last I saw him he was saying something about me being mister clean and he had to go home only because my aunt wanted to leave, thus declaring Ryan the martini drinking champion. I had a fancy blue light up martini glass and I think Tommy was intimidated by it. The night was so much fun but it went by so fast because I was bouncing from person to person talking. It was good to see everyone from my dad’s side of the family together as well as my mom’s side. We took some big family pictures to remember the moment. Like I said the night went by so fast and before I knew it it was time to go. Everyone headed down to the O for a couple night caps and we went back to Rich’s to get some sleep for Sunday’s gift opening.

Sunday I woke up feeling fine. Rich on the other hand looked like a steamroller ran over him. He was wearing his tux with a t-shirt and stunk to high heaven. I drove him to pick up the rental car for the honeymoon and he kept his tux on to go get it, classy. Once we got back he finally changed and everyone started to arrive for the gift opening. The whole afternoon the women sat in the house and the men sat in the garage, watched the Packer game and drank our collective hangovers away. After another Packer victory we gathered our things and headed back. The end of an era for my brother, the end of a long wedding season for me. Congratulations to Rich and Billie and I’d like to welcome the Stranz family into our fold. I think Billie knew what she was getting into but I don’t know why anyone would willingly want to be a part of the Rich Rau faction. Either way, all the love in the world to my brother and his new wife and good luck in the future! Some more love to all my family that was at the wedding and those who couldn’t join us.

A Great Day For The Badgers DeBruins

This weekend one of my best buddies, Jeff DeBruin, was getting hitched in Minnesota. Friday I took my first ever paid vacation day and used that day to drive up to St. Paul. The weather was crappy the whole drive but it didn’t affect my superior driving skills one bit. We arrived somewhere around one in the afternoon. I dropped J off at the hotel and hooked up with my boys to go get our dapper tuxes. We went to the tux joint and everyone’s tuxes fit except for mine, of course. I came out of the dressing room and the pants were a good three inches over my ankle. So of course I had to come back the next day and pick the thing up. After that we headed back to the hotel and went through the ceremony rehearsal. It was a great rehearsal because it was short. Then it was time for a little fun to start. We had the rehearsal dinner at Buca’s in St. Paul. We all hopped into a bus and went off to have some family style fun. Copious amounts of food and wine flowed and I proceeded to have too much of both. After that was over we waddled out the door and the bus took us back to the hotel. Once back at the hotel a group of us, including the groom, headed off to a little bar down the street. We had some cocktails and discussed DeBruin’s last hours of freedom on earth. We had a good time but J and I split from the group around midnight to head to another friend’s house to catch some shut eye. Saturday I woke up and went and got my tux, stupid Pee-Wee Herman pants. Then J and I checked into the hotel and I got ready for the wedding pictures. I had pictures from eleven to twoish but it was nice to get them out of the way before the wedding. We were going to take some outside pics by the Mississippi but the weather was pretty nasty so we only got to snap a couple outside. Then the big moment, the Badger v. Purdue game Jeff’s wedding. The wedding was very nice, and it wasn’t only because I was in it. The wedding was simple but very well done. It was also nice and short compared to many of the weddings I’ve been to. Another nice thing about this wedding was everything was centrally located. The wedding was in one room, the cocktail hour was the room next to it that was a little bigger, the dinner was in a large ballroom next to all that, and we were all staying in the hotel that these rooms were in. Once the ceremony was over instead of going to the cocktail room all the groomsmen headed up to Luedke’s room to watch the Badgers take on Purdue. There were a good twenty people up in the room having some cocktails and waiting for the call that we had to leave the game and go downstairs for the wedding dinner. So the wedding party got to watch up to the first part of the fourth quarter but then we got called downstairs for the first dance. So I ran downstairs did my little dance and then ran to the hotel bar to join the rest of the Badgers fans (there were a lot of Badger fans at this Minnesota wedding) and celebrated the Badgers huge victory over Purdue. Another little snippet was that Jeff met Kelly’s parents at another Badger game where Wisconsin beat of all teams Purdue. From there I went downstairs, had a great dinner with good friends, and danced the night away with everyone else. We danced and toasted until the lights came on and we were forced to leave. The wedding was fabulous. Congratulations to Jeff and Kelly and a fruitful future to the both of you. Thanks to Jeff for letting me be a part of your day. After the lights came on we were instantly worn out and headed up to the hotel room and called it a night. Sunday we woke up and gathered the tux pieces and put them back in the bag. Kelly’s dad was nice enough to take them back for us. We bid adieu to the bride and groom and started the long drive back. We had it planned beforehand that we would stop in Eau Claire and watch the Packers game to break up the drive a little. We called J’s aunt and uncle to meet us at a sports bar called Boston’s. They were a little rough around the edges as well because they had a wine tasting party at their house the night before. After a little hair of the dog, some food, and a rare Packer’s win I was ready to sleep the whole ride back, and I did. We headed back to Milwaukee to wrap up an exhausting but fun filled weekend.

Four! – teen Balls Lost

I stayed in on Friday and watched a couple movies and I suggest both of them. I watched “Super Size Me” as well as “Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind.” It’s been a long time since I was able to watch one movie and not fall asleep during the it but both of these made the night fly by. Jocelyn went up to Canada on Friday but I couldn’t go with because I had my brother’s bachelor party on Saturday. Saturday morning I packed up J’s sister’s minivan and headed to Sheboygan for some golf and drink. The day really wasn’t the most ideal of days for golfing. It was really windy and cold. Our tee time was nine o’clock and with a temp of 37 and a gusting wind I teed off right into the river. That is pretty much how the day went. I’m awful at golfing and really have no desire to get better. It was fun golfing with Rich, Craig and Billy. The golfing really took a back seat to the drinking and screwing around after the front nine. The back nine our game really degraded and finishing was very hard. I lost somewhere around a dozen balls but I did manage to get par on one hole. We were the second of five foursomes to tee off so when we were done we sat in the clubhouse and waited for everyone to finish up. While we were finishing up I set up my laptop and stereo up for some tunes. We finished the party up at the club about ten and headed to Sheboygan for some drinks at Brennan’s. We stayed at the same place all night until two. There were a couple sober drivers so they took us back to Rich’s. I thought that this would be a lot crazier and I would have some crazy stories but I guess the wild bunch is getting old. It was still fun and there is still hope for craziness at the wedding.

Get The Plate Number on that Conga Line?

Friday night we headed to Madison with Todd and Steph because we both had weddings to go to. We arrived at Graham’s on the West side about eight. We had a couple bloodies there and then did the Madison bar crawl of all our old hangouts. We got a small bite to eat at Johnny-O’s, then drank a Real Thing at the Red Shed, drank some stiffies at the hot as blazes Monday’s, cooled off at Brothers and ended up at faithful Church Key. After we finished our crawl we headed to our respective pizza joints and met up post grease for the ride home. We had our trusty CDL carrying driver Graham to take us home so we had no worries. Once we got in the car to go to Graham’s, T and Steph passed out cold. Once to Graham’s we tried to wake everyone up but Todd was straight passed out so he got to sleep in the car all night. I think he said he ended up waking up about five and actually coming in the house. Day one down.

Saturday we had our wedding. Angie Sampson got married to Nick Krey. The whole day was great. We went to the ceremony and it was very nice. We did learn later on the church was actually robbed the night before. The thieves didn’t do any damage to the main part of the church but they trashed the offices and took some computers. Someone was watching out for Angie and Nick because the thieves also left the dresses and tuxes behind. Once the ceremony was over I had a little party to go to that my buddy Tyler was throwing. I was in town and I would’ve felt bad if I didn’t pop in. So J and I went there for a drink and checked out Tyler’s pad in Verona. We had to leave after about an hour to meet up with the wedding at The Great Dane South. Once there we talked, played some Golden Tee, and a little shuffle puck. After a couple beers we all headed to the nights final destination, the Radisson on the West side. This really is the way to do a wedding. The reception and our hotel room were under the same roof. Once at the reception we did the normal wedding things. Ate a good dinner, drank some cocktails, danced and met some new people. I did have a traumatic experience at this wedding that will forever scar me. I had had a couple beers so I needed to use the lavatory. These were really nice spacious bathrooms and I happened to be the only one in there at the time so I was taking my time, enjoying the flow, when all of a sudden the door flies open and I see Jamie Thomas leading the conga line through the men’s bathroom while I’m doing my business. The surprised look on my face must’ve been priceless. I had my pants zipped up in 1/10th of a second and I was done. The only problem is I could move anywhere because I was trapped by the damn conga line. So finally the line passed me and I was able to get to the door. At this point everyone had already congaed by me once so I was a nice guy and held the door open for them, oh the humanity. The wedding went until about 12:30. After everything wound down we headed to the hotel bar where we thought everyone was going to be but apparently everyone went to bed after the wedding because we were the only ones in there. We spent the rest so the night conversing with a very funny, very openly gay bartender and listened to his stories. We also met some cool bike builder guys some South Carolina. We stayed there until bar time and then took the elevator home.